
job fair

     I went to a job fair of Minavi. It was first time a job fair. I was nervous because I went to there alone, but I met many my friends. There were a lot of people in the small room. I was very surprised. I went walk round and I went back outside soon. There were a lot of people, but small room. I felt bad because that room was very duty air. Some people became ill health. I also felt bad. But I went to a corner of Hotel Nikko Kumamoto. I didn't have chair, so I have to listen on my feet. I got gradually bud, so I couldn't listen to explanation. When I prepareted went back outside, at the same time the stuff said are you go other place. I said sorry, I would like to listen, but I feel bad. She said if you were get well, you bring the communication card. She was very kind. I thought this company is very good.
      When I went back outside, there are my friends. I rest with my friends. I felt good, so I went back inside. I listened other company explanation. And I went to first company. She rememberd to me. I was glad.
     After this job fair, I went to new sweet cafe in Tsuruya. This cafe's name is "Yogorino". There are crape, ice cream, gelato and a lot of toppings. I choose mango cream crape with yogorino. Yogorino is soft ice cream. It made from yogurt. It is very healthy and low calorie. This picture is that. It was delicious. I recomend to you. 

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Saori.

    I can understand that you were so nervous, because of your first time to join the job fair.
    I hope you good luck for your job hunting.

