
BR:2-4 Beauty &the Beast

"Kneeling before her was a handsome prince." (p.58)

Do you know this story? I know I like this story. I watched this movie many time. It mede by Disney. I love Disney story, especialy I like it. When I found this book, I decided read this. This story has seven chapters. This is a love story between beautiful girl and a beast. Oneday, they met in a castle. Her father was attacked by the Beast. But Beast said give me his daughter. Another day, she went to Beast's castle. Finally, his spell is broken. He is a really handsome prince. They ware married. The end is happy. My favorite chapter is chapter seven. this title is "Dying". She returned the castle, Beast was lying. He said he is dying. But his spell was broken. I like this story's fairy because it is cute. If you have never read this story, you should try reading this.

Stowell, Louie(2007)London, Usborn

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