
An Expensive Vacation

  Have you skied? Many people that were on a school trip will ski. Do you like ski? I like ski very much. I will introduce about the episode of the episode of the two men went to ski on thier vacation.

  Dai and Jin are on vacation. They are skiing. They ski down the mountain. Where are they? They don't know. They are lost.

  The sun goes down. It is very cold. Dai and Jin need to make a fire. They have a lighter, and they find some wood. They need paper to start a fire.

  They look in their pockets. They don't have any paper, but they have some money. "Money is paper," they think.

  They burn their one thousand yen. The fire doesn't start. They burn their five thousand yen. The fire doesn't start. They burn their ten thousand yen. The fire doesn't start. Finally, they burn their twenty thousand yen. The fire start! It burns all night.

  People are looking for Dai and Jin. They find them in the morning. Dai and Jin are warm and fine.

  "No more skiing vacations," they say. "Skiing is too expensive!"

  Speaking of life and escape the many episodes is in East Japan earthquake. Sufferd the helmet survived, and on board was helpful. Another people refrigerator came fluwing inside survived. You are not sure or when their scenes like this to came across.

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