
Letter to a Homestay Family


Letter to a Homestay

Hello! My name is Saori. I am a nineteen year old freshman. My father is a policeman and my mother is a home helper. My elder sister is four years older and my younger brother is three years younger of. My father is severe,but he is a person full of love for my family. And, his cooking is good in the house, he often make meal. My mother is very kind and is a person who perseveres. And, even if she is tired, she satisfies my demand. My sister goes shopping with me, and drives together with me. We get along well and she has a calm character. My brother works hard, studying every day and is a little argumentative, but he is a gentle man. I grew up in such a family

My hobby is movie watching, listening music, shopping, driving, and traveling. My favorite movies are High school musical and Twilight. Because I belonged to the cheer dance club in the high school, we danced to the music of the high school musical. And, I listen to music sometime when I go out and in the bath. I love to go to concerts and listen to music. I went to a lot of places with my friends after I graduated from the junior high school because I love travel. I went to a lot of places, Kagoshima, Fukuoka, Oita, Kyoto, Osaka, and Tokyo. I went to a trip to Australia with my elder sister and my cousin last December. We were fresh and very happy though this is my first time traveling abroad. I had no fear going to a foreign country because this travel. Moreover, I go to a lot of places sometimes by the car. I like the scenery seen from the passenger’s seat. I went you to take me to a lot of places while I am in the passenger’s seat.
What kind of family? Do you have what are your hobbies and favorite things? Please teach me.
I am looking forward to the day when I can meet you.


4 件のコメント:

  1. My father is working at prefectural office. But he isn't a policeman. Just office worker.

  2. Cheer dance!? How nice!!
    And you have a good family:-))

  3. My mother is working at golf course receptionist.

  4. I recommend you going to Singapore!
    I had lived there. Singapore's food is very good.
    If you have many time and afford to pay it, please go there.
    I hope your good travel!
